Avoiding Failures of Your CNC Systems

Posted on: 19 November 2019

For machining businesses, CNC systems can be vital for fulfilling orders for clients. While these systems will be immensely powerful, they will also require extensive care to keep them in working condition. Otherwise, your enterprise could experience a work stoppage due to the CNC equipment failing.

Establish Sound Cleaning Practices

While you're using CNC machining systems over time, they can become extremely dirty. This is due to powder and small fragments from the metal that it is working on being transferred to the components. Removing these materials will be essential if the CNC machining equipment is to avoid becoming jammed or suffering other potentially disruptive issues. Ideally, employees should clean the system after each time that they use it as this will remove these substances before they can cause damage. To ensure that this work is being done, a log should be kept where employees mark off the cleaning tasks that they do after using the system.

Replace Parts That Are Prone to Suffering Wear

There are some parts of a CNC system that will experience wear and tear at a far higher rate. In particular, the heads, rotors, and pads of the CNC system will need to be replaced fairly frequently if the system is to continue to function effectively. Businesses that fail to keep spare parts available at all times can encounter situations where these parts fail and there are no replacements available. When ordering replacement parts, make sure that they are compatible with the make and model of your CNC system. Furthermore, these spare parts should be inventoried so that you always know exactly how many are available. This can be critically important for businesses that have multiple CNC systems as spare parts may go quickly in this environment.

Ensure the System Is Regularly Calibrated

One of the great advantages of a CNC system is its ability to provide extremely accurate results. This is possible through the use of computer control systems that will allow for precise and accurate control. Unfortunately, these systems can come out of alignment or suffer other calibration issues that will potentially impact the overall performance of the system. Luckily, it is possible to account for this threat by calibrating the system. Most of these systems will have a calibration mode that will make it possible for you to easily complete this on your own. However, if your system lacks this feature, have local CNC repair services like The Buckman Group, Inc. calibrate it. 


Industrial Goods and Beyond

When you work in manufacturing, you know there's a wide range of goods to be produced. Manufacturing sheet metal is quite different from manufacturing gears or bolts, for example. However, in spite of the variety in products, there are some basics that remain true regardless of the product. Your processes need to be consistent and precise. You need to have good quality control in place and to test your items regularly. You can learn more about those topics and others right here on this blog, where we focus on an array of manufacturing topics. Start reading, and watch your knowledge base begin to grow.

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